PODJARKÓW, po w. Bóbrka, woj. lwowskie. 16 sierpień 1943 Jedna z dwóch rodzin Kleszczyńskich w Podjarkowie zakatowana 16 sierpnia 1943 r. przez UPA. Na planie czteroosobowa rodzina - małżeństwo i dwoje dzieci. Ofiarom wydłubywano oczy, zadawano ciosy w głowę, przypalano dłonie, próbowano odrąbania kończyn górnych i dolnych oraz dłoni, zadawano kłute rany na całym ciele itp.
PODJARKÓW, district Bóbrka, province of Lvov. August 16, 1943. One of two families Kleszczyriski in Podjarkow tortured and murdered on August 16, 1943 by OUN-UPA. In the foreground a four-member family -married couple and two children. Their eyes were picked out, they got blows on the heads, their hands were burnt. There were attempts to chop off their upper and lower limbs as weli as hands. They were stabbed all over their bodies, etc.
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